Paul Desmarais III
Chairman & CEO of Sagard

Paul Desmarais III, Chairman and CEO of Sagard, Details Their Approach to Investing, Growing and Staying True To Core Values

Today in this Money Maze Podcast Curated edition we travel to Canada, to understand Sagard, with its Chairman and CEO, Paul Desmarais III.

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Today in this Money Maze Podcast Curated edition we travel to Canada, to understand Sagard, with its Chairman and CEO, Paul Desmarais III.

Sagard is an intriguing alternative asset management business, that is striking in both the freshness of its approach and clarity of its ambitions.

In this conversation, Paul explains Sagard’s genesis and vision. He then describes their core investment activities, investment process, and disciplines, as well as their nuanced approach to issues relating to ESG and sustainability.

He then elaborates on their priorities and growth opportunities by geography and theme, the importance of “the network”, and Canada’s advantages for both inward and external flow of opportunities.

Paul finally explains why innovation and entrepreneurship are core values in the organisation and how culture is an essential underpinning of their approach to business.

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