Paul Horvath
CEO, Orchard global

Banking on Opportunities: Building The Credit Manager That Helped Pioneer SRT - With Paul Horvath, CEO of Orchard Global

Paul Horvath, CEO of Orchard Global, reflects on capitalising on the growth of significant risk transfer assets (SRTs) in the depths of the GFC, their role for banks & other pools of capital, the impact of increasing banking regulation, and their purpose in a portfolio.

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Paul Horvath, CEO of Orchard Global, reflects on capitalising on the growth of significant risk transfer assets (SRTs) in the depths of the GFC, their role for banks & other pools of capital, the impact of increasing banking regulation, and their purpose in a portfolio.

Paul begins with explaining why his initial job at the Federal Reserve was so important for his subsequent future in finance.

He then details how he capitalised on those lessons at Merrill Lynch and JP Morgan before seeing potential opportunities developing from the emerging troubles in the world of banking in 2008, leading to the creation of Orchard Global.

He explains Orchard’s mission, expertise, typical client profiles and how they helped pioneer significant risk transfer (SRTs) during the GFC.

He discusses their private and public credit strategies, before covering how regulation such as Basel III is impacting the market.

Paul then explains how, in providing private & public market credit solutions, they play a particularly pivotal role in helping banks. Finally, he explains why investors go to them in order to “stay rich”!

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