Samantha Ricciardi
CEO, Santander Asset Management

The Key Trends Shaping the Future of Asset Management - With Samantha Ricciardi, CEO of Santander Asset Management

Santander Asset Management manages almost $230 billion*, employs over 850 people and operates in ten countries. In this interview we’re pleased to feature Samantha Ricciardi, who has been CEO of the company since February 2022.

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Santander Asset Management manages almost $230 billion*, employs over 850 people and operates in ten countries. In this interview we’re pleased to feature Samantha Ricciardi, who has been CEO of the company since February 2022.

Samantha begins by putting into context the perspectives she acquired after working at BlackRock and Schroders, before covering Santander’s investment philosophy, key strengths, and priorities for 2024/25.

She discusses the investment flows into and out of Latin America, the forces of digitisation, passive’s growth, and how they are judiciously building a private markets capability.

She then explains more about investment interest in local LATAM debt & Middle Eastern inflows to the region, and why - as a significant player in the UK market - the investment opportunities here remain compelling. Interview recorded in June 2024. 

*As of March 2024

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