Sheryl Needham

An Institutional Approach to Family Offices

In a world where financial solutions tend to be sliced into those designed for institutions and those for individuals, the large family offices and super high net worth families often grapple with a dilemma of which partners they work with and how; whether to do it predominantly themselves and access a variety of institutions for solutions, or to contemplate the idea of outsourcing their whole CIO function to one entity (or something in between).

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In a world where financial solutions tend to be sliced into those designed for institutions and those for individuals, the large family offices and super high net worth families often grapple with a dilemma of which partners they work with and how; whether to do it predominantly themselves and access a variety of institutions for solutions, or to contemplate the idea of outsourcing their whole CIO function to one entity (or something in between).

For Professional Clients, Qualified Clients and Qualified Investors Only. Unless otherwise stated all data is sourced from BlackRock 31 December 2021. All amounts given in USD.

In this conversation, we explore how one of the world's most respected financial institutions helps families think about this very challenge, and how they seek to preserve wealth for future generations, maintain consistent cash flows and outperform public markets. With over $60 billion in assets under management, 800 clients and operations across 25 markets (as of 31/12/21), BlackRock looks to partner with family offices across a host of solutions to deliver on their unique goals.

So we’re delighted to welcome Sheryl Needham, BlackRock’s Head of EMEA Family Offices, to the Money Maze Podcast for an in-depth discussion about the space. Simply listen above to learn more! The episode can also be played in the background on your browser on both mobile, tablet and desktop devices.

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