Simon Brewer & Will Campion

2024: A Year in Review

In this episode, Simon shares an update on the show, reflecting on notable interviews and summarising the wide range of initiatives under development beyond the Money Maze Podcast itself.

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Although we have said this for each of the 5 years since we started, this year has been incredibly exciting, surpassing both out expectations, and 2+ million global downloads, officially releasing over 200 episodes since starting the podcast in 2020.

In the last few months, we’ve been lucky enough to feature Scott Bessent, Trump’s appointed Secretary of State, Cliff Asness of AQR, Colm Kelleher of UBS, David Schwimmer of LSEG, Mark Delaney of Australian Super, Suyi Kim of CPP Investments, Marcie Frost of CalPERS, Baroness Dambisa Moyo and many more.

We’ve also had the privilege of hosting some of the most significant figures within geopolitics, such as former UK Prime Minister, Sir Tony Blair, and General Patrick Sanders, just retired head of the British army.

Check out our new initiatives: Money Maze Learn, Money Maze Multilingual, Money Maze Curated Podcasts, and our YouTube channel for full video interviews.

We also offer a select number of internships, mostly over the summer. Otherwise, we wish our listeners and viewers an enjoyable festive break!

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