Anthony St John

Anthony St John, 22nd Baron St John of Bletso.

In a slightly different conversation for the MoneyMaze Podcast, Anthony St John shares his fascinating journey and set of insights.

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He is a Parliamentarian, Non-Executive Chairman of Yellow Cake Plc the Uranium holding Company, Chairman of Strand Hanson, an independent Advisory boutique with a strong African orientation, and Chairman of IDH, the health care provider in the Middle East and Africa. At the same time, he is one of 90 hereditary peers elected to remain in the House of Lords, is Lord in waiting to the HM the Queen and currently Vice Chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Africa Group and former friend of Nelson Mandela.

Educated in South Africa and then the UK, he talks of his arrival in the UK to take his seat in the House of Lords and how he was initially hugely inhibited by a stutter that was reminiscent of the King’s Speech. In our conversation he speaks of his journey from Lawyer, to working in China, Oil Analyst, to Chairman of three companies and also managing his Parliamentary duties.

Our discussion covers investing in Africa, cyber security, Uranium and its role in the evolving debate about energy sources, and his relationship with Nelson Mandela. Anthony gives some powerful advice to young people thinking about their future and some additional tips for navigating life’s veritable money and other mazes!

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