Dame Anne Richards

Dame Anne Richards, CEO of Fidelity International

Our guest today is Anne Richards, CVO, CBE, FRSE, CEO of Fidelity International, they offer investment solutions and services and retirement expertise to more than 2.5 million customers globally.

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As a privately held, purpose-driven company with a 50-year heritage, they think generationally and invest for the long term. Fidelity International operates in more than 25 countries and with $706.3 billion in total assets, their clients range from central banks, sovereign wealth funds, large corporates, financial institutions, insurers and wealth managers, to private individuals.Anne describes her upbringing in Edinburgh, the decision to study electronic and electrical engineering, spending time at CERN, before going to INSEAD for an MBA.She describes the purpose of Fidelity International and the changing demands of the investing population.

Anne discusses the ability of technology to serve clients (of whom they have 2.5 million!), developing a culture that embraces and encourages the “brave/bold/curious/compassionate”. Anne explains how ESG principles are embedded into all their research work and why their approach to ESG does not necessarily mean divestment is the optimal course. She talks about the decline of public market listings, the importance of research in public and private investing and giving their managers enough room for manoeuvre .Finally, she talks about her drive and hunger to have more women work in finance, gives great advice to “worry less” for those thinking about their careers.

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