David Haber

FinTech VC Examined – With David Haber, General Partner at Andreessen Horowitz (a16z)

In this episode, David Haber, GP at a16z, shares his perspectives on the fintech industry and a16z's investment strategy.

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Founded by Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz, Andreessen Horowitz (also known as a16z) is a revered venture capital firm which sits at the epicentre of financing entrepreneurial businesses.

In this conversation, David Haber, General Partner overseeing fintech investing, begins by discussing his background, including graduating from Harvard, selling his business (Bond Street) to Goldman Sachs in 2017, before joining a16z to establish their first East Coast presence.

David is able to offer a unique perspective as both an entrepreneur and venture capitalist. He describes how a16z is growing, its desire to build enduring value by compounding returns and building on competitive advantages.

He then explains how they engage with firms of varying size to help them on their journeys and provides an illustration to help frame the conversation. He discusses the private asset explosion, the potential adjustments following this tougher period, risk-taking, hiring, crypto and more!

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