David Schwimmer

LSEG: Partnering with Microsoft, and why London Remains a Leading Financial Hub - With LSEG CEO, David Schwimmer

In this conversation, the CEO of the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) discusses how they've diversified, why they've partnered with Microsoft, and his belief that London's decline as a leading global financial hub has been overstated by the press.

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If you were asked ‘What is the London Stock Exchange Group, (LSEG)?’, most investors would answer, ‘the London Stock Exchange, of course.’ Yet, the correct answer would be, “well that’s only around 5% of revenues today”, and then you might pause and wonder what the rest is…

In this interview with David Schwimmer, a veteran of Goldman Sachs and CEO of the LSEG for the last 5 years, we examine an organisation that today has revenues of £8bn, operating incomes of £2.8bn, a market capitalisation of circa £50bn, is the 14th largest company in the UK, employing 25,000 people in 70 countries, and is 4% owned by Microsoft (as of May 2024).

David explains the LSEG business today, how they are the no.1 globally in real time financial data, how they serve customers in areas from risk-analytics, FX and bond trading, KYC and ALM verification. He discusses the partnership with Microsoft, and the rapid shifts in technology, as well as their impact on business execution and enhancing productivity.

Finally we have an earnest conversation about the UK, which has the second largest pension market in the world, London’s enviable position, and why  persistent negative press creates a stronger narrative than the facts would suggest.

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