David Yarrow

David Yarrow of David Yarrow Photography

Dave Yarrow is considered one of the world’s greatest photographers. 3 former US presidents have his masterpieces on their walls, along with a string of actors and sports personalities and he oversees a multi million dollar fine-art business.He has helped raise $8 million for charity, and his energy and passion for his work mean that up to the outbreak of coronavirus, he had not spent 18 Days in the same place in the last 2 years. This is all after spending the first 25 years of his life in the city, first as a broker and then starting his own Hedge Fund, Clareville Capital, which he ran for 17 years.

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Dave Yarrow talks about his youth, growing up in Glasgow, and his passion for photography that led him to take the iconic shot of Maradona in the Azteca Stadium, trophy aloft, at the 1986 Mexico World Cup. He talks about his reasons for joining the City, and the journey from broking to establish his own hedge fund, Clareville Capital in 1997.

He gives a frank assessment of the highs and lows of managing money, and the capricious nature of the investing community.Having continued to take photographs, and with marital and business difficulties weighing on him, he takes the leap to start DY Photography. This second career reveals an enthralling story into a  world which required developing new skills and understanding where the opportunity lay.

As with money management the key lay in great groundwork and research before careful execution.He describes how he became “a photo-maker, not a photo-taker” and how he has grown a business built on extraordinary shots, with compelling animals, people, and iconic settings and shots. He talks about navigating the maze of social media and helping raise over $8 million for charities. Finally, he gives his advice for today’s youth thinking about their future. What a journey.

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