General Sir Patrick Sanders

War or Peace? Why the World May Be More Dangerous than the 1930s - With General Sir Patrick Sanders, Former UK Chief of the General Staff

In this episode we have the huge pleasure and privilege to talk to General Sir Patrick Sanders, who until June of this year, served as Chief of the General Staff.

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We have been incredibly fortunate over the last four years on the Money Maze Podcast to have had conversations with some of the most important former military leaders in the West, including; General Petraeus, General Sir Nick Carter, Lieutenant General Sir Tom Beckett, as we weigh geostrategic issues that directly impact the investing world.

The mission here is to orchestrate a rapid and highly effective tour of the key challenges on the minds of politicians, populations and the planet. Patrick discusses Russia and assessing what next; China and how a peaceful co-existence can operate, Iran, Israel & The Middle East and weighing up if a brighter future there is possible. He also discusses North Korea and its unpredictability, as it moves from defense to offense.

The General then enlightens us on Cyber threats, AI’s role on the battlefield, leadership & motivation, and some challenging questions from his peers and (possible) friends!

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