General Sir Nick Carter

General Sir Nick Carter, former Chief of the Defence Staff, discusses Russia, Ukraine and current global geopolitical issues.

In this special episode of the Money Maze Podcast, we are extraordinarily fortunate to have General Sir Nick Carter talk to us.

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If the world was already becoming more fractured, divided, uncertain and worrisome- the Russian invasion of Ukraine has made that landscape vastly more troubled.

Sir Nick has sat at the top table of global military and security issues both real and strategized, fathoming these complexities, and begins with a detailed evaluation of the current Ukraine war.

Sir Nick offers his insights into the background and future of this situation, and then moves onto the wider geopolitical landscape, with insights on China, the Middle East, Cyber, threats to democracy, how the UK can use its strengths in this world and the evolving nature of war. A tour de force!

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