Hamish Baillie

The $30 Billion Absolute Return Strategy: Hamish Baillie, Partner at Ruffer Investment Management, Explains How They Have Managed to Stand Out From the Crowd

Hamish Baillie, long term Partner and Investment Director at Ruffer, which is listed on the London Stock Exchange, joins the Money Maze Podcast to discuss their unbenchmarked, differentiated approach to managing portfolios.

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Hamish explains that over the 26 years since inception, by following their key investment principles, annualised returns have compounded at 9%, with a low level of volatility. Hamish observes that “our clients have typically made money in good markets and been sheltered from market crises”. He explains their desire to build the portfolio with less correlated assets, why capital preservation is at the forefront of their approach and why their portfolios look very different from many others.

The discussion drills down into inflation threats and the assets deployed to mitigate that reality, why Ruffer believes the storm clouds are gathering and how “markets will grind lower and lower, punctuated by rallies of prodigious strength”. Finally there a discussion on the merits of gold, why Ruffer has been investing in oil equities, and an explanation of their large overweight to UK index linked debt and equity.

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