Ian Charles

Sport Meets Finance! Investing in Liverpool FC, PSG, Boston Red Sox and F1 - With Ian Charles, Co-Founder of Arctos

Sovereign wealth funds, private equity, Hollywood actors; the world of sports has been undergoing an investing revolution.

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Ian shares his perspectives on the rise of sports investments, based on his experience running a firm with stakes in clubs such as PSG, Liverpool FC, the Aston Martin F1 team and the NY Giants baseball team!

The last few years have seen a quantum increase of new investors, investing both in sports and even their governing bodies, raising questions about potential returns, the investment thesis and competition.

Arctos is one of world’s largest sports investors, counting amongst its investments, baseball’s Boston Red Sox, Liverpool FC, Paris St. Germain, Atalanta,  New York Giants, and recently Aston Martin’s F1 racing team.  

In this episode, Ian Charles, trained in the world of illiquid private investments and secondaries, discusses the size of the market, the investment logic, competition, regulation, building the brand, using data as well as exits and returns!

From North American leagues to European football, he assesses the barriers to entry, the ability for growth capital to raise growth rates, historic returns, minority stakes, and how the fans impacted by these epochal changes.

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