Karen Karniol-Tambour

Karen Karniol-Tambour, Co-Chief Investment Officer for Sustainability at Bridgewater, the $160 Billion Hedge Fund, on Today's Economic Landscape

Ray Dalio has described today’s guest, “as a vacuum cleaner of learning”, and in this episode Karen Karniol-Tambour exhibits a formidable grasp of the challenges of today’s investing environment.

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The conversation begins with a review of the current monetary challenge facing the Fed and leads into the dilemma for investors weaned on variations of the 60/40 benchmark.

She explains Bridgewater’s enthusiasm for inflation protection, for owning important exposure to broad commodities, through to the role gold should play. At the same time she explains succinctly why US equities might be the worst performing asset class in the decade ahead.She discusses why currencies could be an important source of return in a world of lacklustre performance, in a re-visit of the 1970s and 1980s.

Karen finally explains how Bridgewater think about the systematic and fundamental way of approaching sustainable investing, as well as the sustainable fund that they have developed.

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