Laura González

Laura González, Head of Americas at Allfunds, on their €1.3 Trillion Platform and Approach to Fund Selection, Open Architecture and Blockchain

In this discussion we examine the changing world of investment funds and the data ecosystems that surround them. To explore this, we're pleased to be welcoming Laura González, Head of Americas at Allfunds, onto the show.

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Created in 2000, today Allfunds have over €1.3tn in assets under administration (as of 30/09/22), 16 offices across the globe and nearly 1,000 employees, with a strong footprint in Latin America. She explains how fund houses use their platform to expand their reach, how private banks and other users of funds can access their platform and reduce the challenges around fund onboarding.

The discussion covers the growth of private assets, institutional and individual asset allocations to this space, and the shifts underway. Laura then discusses the cyclical component often overlooked in the active versus passive debate, how blockchain is being used by them, and thoughts on the Latin American investment universe (from both those looking in and those allocating outside).

Finally, she discusses the merits of being part of a listed company, managing cultural integration and gives some potent advice for women seeking careers in finance. She also describes how yoga and surfing give balance and joy to her life!

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