Martin Waters

Martin Waters, CEO of Victoria’s Secret & Co, Discusses Their Changing Business

As the Money Maze Podcast seeks to understand both the business and investment worlds, especially against the backdrop of a tougher economic environment, we are delighted to speak to Martin Waters, CEO of Victoria’s Secret & Co (VS&Co).

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Martin begins by explaining his retailing journey, Victoria’s Secret’s history and evolution, as well as the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Spun off from L Brands in 2021, the Fortune 500 lingerie and beauty retailer is known for its high visibility marketing and annual fashion shows. They have over 1,350 stores globally and more than 30,000 employees.

Martin explains how it is adapting both to the economic climate as well as the issues specific to managing a world leading fashion and beauty retailer.

He discusses the vision for the company, its values, their multichannel distribution strategy, and the risks and rewards of brand extension. He then analyses this competitive market, the changes taking across retail, and how their board is composed. With 7/8 of their board being female, Martin explains how valuable women are in helping him think about strategy, and why he is so excited about the future.

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