Nicolas Cary

Part 2/2: Blockchain, Crypto Currencies and a New World Order - Nicolas Cary, Co-Founder of

In the second episode with Nic Cary, Co-Founder of, Nic continues on from the discussions around blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies to discuss the debasement of currencies and the dangers of current central bank policies.He talks about the emerging inflation, the future of money and the role digital currencies might play in this, and the diminishing trust in governments and central banks.

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The conversation continues by exploring the changing world of digital transactions, before discussing criminal activity and their use of digital currencies. Nic then comments on China and its state controlled digital currency and his view of the importance in allowing free markets to develop the crypto universe (whilst balancing the issue of personal freedoms and possible government regulations).Finally, Nic discusses ESG challenges before closing with some final thoughts on his charity, Sky’s The Limit, giving help to first time entrepreneurs.

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