Peter Frankopan

Peter Frankopan: Head of Global History at Oxford University & Author of ‘Silk Roads’

Our latest guest has been described as one of the ‘World’s Top 50 Thinkers’, is a Sunday Times bestselling author for his epic work ‘Silk Roads: A New History of the World’, is responsible for the prophetic article in December 2019 where he predicted a pandemic’s likely arrival, and has managed all this around his day job as the Professor of Global History at Oxford University.

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In this fast-paced, far-reaching conversation, Peter demonstrates his terrific understanding of both the past and present, offering his perspectives about the future of our world. The discussion begins with his reflections on this pandemic, then moves to what we can learn from looking at the world’s changing order through a wider lens. He weighs the competing forces of a rising China, the West jockeying for position, the continuing role of religion and Russia’s dealing with “a weak hand”.

He offers his perspective and some optimism in light the abundant worries of military conflict in Taiwan, as well as the ongoing China/US spats. He also speaks about the role of education in driving growth, and where he believes some of the more compelling investment opportunities lie.Finally Peter offers some great advice to us all about learning and the necessity of grit!

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