Peter Harrison

Peter Harrison, CEO Schroders PLC

Peter Harrison, included in Debrett’s 500 most influential people, starts by describing a rebellious youth that led him to reject his family’s wish to study Theology at Oxbridge and instead to make a decision to go to Bath University to study Business in the 1980s. From there he talks of his first job at Schroders, working as an analyst, and further experiences he had at Newton, Flemings, Deutsche Asset Management and then a start-up, RWC.

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Peter Harrison explains Schroders's vision, how they're adapting technology, enacting ESG policies and shares his thoughts on the growth in private markets.

Peter describes their merger with Schroders and his ascent to CEO, and the journey from managing money to managing an investment business.The conversation moves to him talking about the compelling opportunities in Global Asset Management, contrary to some gloomy commentaries that we often read. He talks of the shift to managing money to solve problems and not simply to be benchmarked, and the evolution of active and passive strategies.

He describes Schroder’s vision of serving the individual customer, both affluent and high net worth, with the help of more electronic applications, a wider public and private offering and trying to help them avoid classic pitfalls of poor timing in entering and exiting the market. He also explains why although he thinks ESG must be embedded in your investment process, it will morph into a more coherent drive for impact investing.

Peter also gives his thoughts on the growth of private equity, and the challenge facing stock markets buffeted by weighty regulation and diminished liquidity.He then discusses advice for the young thinking about future career, and some of the characteristics he looks for in potential hires.

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