Private Markets - Season 1 Guests

In Case You Missed It: Private Markets Season 1 Highlights

In today’s episode, the Money Maze Podcast takes a short trip back to 2022 in light of the upcoming release of our second Private Markets Miniseries!

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Keep Reading

Last year, we released our first season, delving deep into the far reaching ramifications of the industry, and sharing fascinating conversations with guests from the likes of Schroders Capital, Petershill Partners, KKR, Bain Capital, Permira, and CD&R. 

We have compiled together some of the highlights from those episodes, discussing alternative assets, branding & consumers, as well as geographical and sector considerations. Also discussed are some key examples of high profile acquisitions, including CD&R's £7bn takeover of Morrisons, and Permira's £300m buyout of Dr. Martens. Originally recorded in summer 2022.

Season 2 of Private Markets starts next week, and the 6-part series will run until October. You can listen to both seasons via

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