Rachel Arnold

Vista Equity Partners: The $100 Billion Private Equity Software Firm - With Rachel Arnold, Co-Head of Vista Equity Partners Endeavor Fund

In this shorter interview, recorded at Berlin SuperReturn, Rachel Arnold (Co-Head of Vista’s Endeavour Fund) offers insights that echo Bill Gates comment that “software is the magic thing whose importance only goes up over time”

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Amazingly, over 90% of software companies are private, and as a former tech operator and CEO, Rachel brings hard-earned expertise to explain their investing approach. She discusses portfolio make up, the drivers behind software’s growth and how they assist their portfolio companies on operational transformation. 

She discusses the urgency and applications resulting from AI’s adoption, the likely trajectory of this investing space, software’s economic resilience and the runway ahead.

Rachel runs Vista's Endeavor Fund, which invests in emerging to lower middle-market enterprise software, data and technology-enabled companies. She has over two decades of experience investing in and scaling growth at market-leading software companies (including Bonterra, Mitratech and MicroEdge).

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