Randy Smallwood

Gold: Why, How, and Now? With Randy Smallwood, Chairman of the World Gold Council, and CEO of Wheaton Precious Metals

In this conversation, Randy Smallwood shares his analysis on the world of gold, including perspectives on supply/demand, lessons from history, current central bank actions and why he recently observed that “gold is in a perfect position right now”. 

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We last spoke about gold on the show 3 years ago, with Evy Hambro, who runs the BlackRock natural resources team. The discussion highlighted that paper currencies have a 100% track record of losing purchasing power, whereas gold has a 100% record of permanence.

In this conversation, we ask Randy Smallwood to address several important issues around gold. His perspectives on supply and demand, lessons from history, current central bank actions and why he recently observed that “gold is in a perfect position right now”. 

We then discuss currency debasement, gold’s role in portfolios, and how to own and access it, as well as the potential for tokenisation. Randy then discusses the investment parameters around mining stocks and how streaming companies such as Wheaton Precious Metals where he is CEO, offer a different way of investing in the gold universe. 

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