Salim Ramji

Perspectives from the World's Largest Asset Manager

Today, we unpack the world of ETFs to understand their evolution and how they are becoming a much broader wrapper for a multitude of strategies, with the help of Salim Ramji (BlackRock's Global Head of iShares and Index Investments).

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‘Over the past decade, about 80 cents of every dollar that has gone into the US investment industry has ended up at Vanguard, State Street, and BlackRock. As a result, the combined stake in S&P 500 companies held by the Big Three has quadrupled, from about 5 percent in 1998 to north of 20 percent today.' These are the opening lines to the book, Trillions, by Robin Wigglesworth, Editor of FT Alphaville and a friend of the show.

In this episode, we explore how the ETF world is evolving today, with Salim Ramji of BlackRock. Salim explains how CIOs, allocators, and individuals use their products to build portfolios and gain exposure to themes, strategies and markets.

Salim then dispels some of the myths of fixed income investing, before explaining how investors can use technology to vote whilst also owning passive vehicles, and how savers in Europe are changing their habits.

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