Seb James

Retail in the 21st Century: Seb James, CEO of Boots, Discusses Health, Technology, Data and the Customer

In a world where competitive survival has become rarer, one UK retail institution has survived for 175-years, remains a trusted brand, with over 50,000 employees, 2,000 stores and 4,000 pharmacists.

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Today Boots is part of the US Walgreens Boots Alliance, an entity with sales of $140 billion and one of the world’s largest purchasers of prescription drugs. 

In this episode we aim to explore the future of retail, the big drivers of change, the overload of the health systems and how pharmacies may play a vital role, technology, data and what customers want.

Seb James discusses the demise of the department store, increasing specialisation, how data allows for tailoring of customer preferences, what AI might offer and the notable rise in theft since COVID-19.

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