Charlotte Thorne

The Family Office Approach to Wealth Management: Charlotte Thorne, Co-Founder of Capital Generation Partners

A growing share of the wealthy have decided to take control of their finances through single or multi-family offices. Recent statistics suggest family offices now control in excess of $4 trillion. In today’s conversation, Charlotte Thorne, former advisor to the Treasury, describes her career switch to join a major Swiss single family office, and go on to co-found a private investment office, which today manages close to $4 billion for over 20 families.

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She discusses building the investment offering, the requirements and complexities wealth brings and why CapGen aims to “help families make the most of the possibilities that come with capital”. She explains the importance of process and discipline, and how they think about asset class decisions whilst accommodating the different requirements of families. Charlotte discusses direct investing, tactical allocation, the inflationary debate, and why being a female client can be an uncomfortable experience.

She also discusses the role of capital, how at times the money itself can appear to take priority over the owners themselves and where she believes the wealth management industry has failed. Finally she describes their approach to the active vs passive debate, investing in hedge funds and why private equity continues to offer attractive return characteristics.

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