Tilly Franklin

Tilly Franklin, CIO Cambridge University Endowment

Established over 800 years ago in 1209, Cambridge University is one of the oldest surviving Universities in the world and has spawned more Nobel Prizes than any other institution. In today’s conversation we welcome Tilly Franklin, their Chief Investment Officer, whose education includes Cambridge, Harvard and LBS.

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She discusses her academic experiences before her career journey through McKinsey, Virgin, Apax and Alta prior to accepting the job at Cambridge University.  Tilly shares some of the key skills she acquired at these institutions from understanding businesses at McKinsey to learning how to negotiate deals at Apax. She then discusses the goals of the Cambridge University Endowment, its target of achieving inflation +5% , the disbursements that have totalled nearly £1 billion over the last decade, and structuring the team since her recent arrival.The charity she helped establish, GAIN, GIRLS ARE INVESTORS, a community set to change the staggering lack of gender diversity in investment management, from the ground up.Finally she discusses why she enjoys her job, what a first time visitor to Cambridge should see, the challenge of raising two daughters against this current backdrop and some great advice to young folks who should worry less about “knowing what they want to do”!

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