Huw Van Steenis

The 2023 Banking Storm: Risk or Opportunity?

In light of the current traumas, rescues and uncertainties, we were very fortunate to have Huw Van Steenis, the internationally respected banks analyst and strategist join the show for a timely discussion on what might lie ahead.

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In light of the current traumas, rescues and uncertainties, we were very fortunate to have Huw Van Steenis, the internationally respected banks analyst and strategist join the show for a timely discussion on what might lie ahead.

For much of life, the world of banking might seem both impenetrable and dull yet there are times, when it vaults to being centre stage, at which point it typically ushers in fear, loathing and even panic.

Huw reflects on lessons from history, on the differing regulatory regimes in Europe and the US, on crypto, stress tests, and liquidity versus solvency. He then discusses his thoughts on future changes and the influence of the mega banks

He also covers the climate and the energy transition in light of his work on Nicolai Tangen’s climate advisory board.

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